Community Passover Seder

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

KBS members, friends and visitors will gather for a Seder on the second night of Passover. We'll read the Haggadah, retell the ancient story of freedom from slavery and enjoy a festive meal. Reservations are now closed, but last minute seats may become available. Please email if you would like to be on the […]

Passover Shabbat & Yizkor Service

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

The KBS Passover Shabbat Service, led by Aviva Plaut, includes readings from D'varim/Deuteronomy, with the commandments to observe Passover and other holidays. There will also be a Yizkor memorial service and Yizkor candles will be available for all who need them. We ask that all attendees be fully vaccinated and/or have a current negative COVID-19 […]

Shabbat Bamidbar, Shavuot & Israeli Dancing

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Shabbat Services will be led by Trina Yerlick and Vic Greenspan, including readings from the first parashah of Bamidbar/Numbers and and early celebration of Shavuot, which begins at sundown on June 4. After services there will be kiddush and a light potluck oneg (no pork or shellfish, please) and Tamar Elias will lead - and […]

Shabbat Sh’lach L’cha Service in-person and on Zoom

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Rabbi Shari Berman leads Shabbat services this Saturday. She will be on Zoom from her home in Japan, with Barry Blum and Vic Greenspan co-leading the in-person congregation at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona. The service includes readings from parashah, Sh'lach L'cha ( שְׁלַח-לְךָ — "send "), Bamidbar/Numbers 13:1−15:41, in which Moses sends "spies" […]

Shabbat Pinchas Service in Person and on Zoom

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Aviva Plaut leads Shabbat services this month in person at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona with Rabbi Shari Berman joining in on Zoom from her home in Japan. The service includes readings from Pinchas ( פִּינְחָס ), Bamidbar/Numbers 25:10−30:1, in which the zealot Pinchas, who murdered a Midianite woman and her Israelite lover in […]

Shabbat Re’eh Service in Person and on Zoom

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Aviva Plaut leads KBS Shabbat services this month at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona and those unable to attend in person can connect and follow the service via Zoom. Aviva and Reb. Shari Berman will read from this week's parashah - Re'eh ( רְאֵה - "see" ), D'varim/Deuteronomy 11:26−16:17, in which the Israelites are […]

Shabbat Service – Nitzavim

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Yom tov weekend begins with Shabbat Services at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona. Come meet Rabbi Daniel Pressman, who will be leading our High Holiday services this year, along with Rabbi and Cantor Shari Berman. R.Daniel will deliver a d'rash after R. Shari, Aviva Plaut and Vic Greenspan read from this week's parashah, Nitzavim […]

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

The High Holidays begin with Rosh Hashanah eve. Rabbi Daniel Pressman and Rabbi/Cantor Shari Berman lead services. More details to come.

Rosh Hashanah – First Day

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman and Rabbi/Cantor Shari Berman lead services. Afterward, stay for a light potluck lunch. More details to come.

Rosh Hashanah – Second Day

Plaut home Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman and Rabbi Shari Berman lead a service/study session at the home of Yehudah and Aviva Plaut in Kealakekua. More details to come

Study & Discussion: Murphy’s Law and Jewish Law

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman leads a Talk Story discussion about traditional Jewish laws, commandments, rules and guidelines for everything that can go wrong …and often does. On Zoom and in-person at the home of Aviva & Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. Please RSVP to 808-756-0863 for address and directions. Click this link for Zoom connection info.

Kabbalat Shabbat

Home of Ruth Ader 73-1232 Melomelo St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Erev Shabbat service and discussion with Rabbi Daniel Pressman and Rabbi Shari Berman, to be followed by a Vegetarian pot luck at the home of Ruth Ader in Kona Palisades. Please RSVP to for address and directions.

Shabbat Shuva

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Shabbat Shuva service at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona will feature Torah readings from parashah Vayeilech by Rabbi/Cantor Shari Berman and Aviva Plaut and d'var Torah by Rabbi Daniel Pressman. We ask that all attending in-person be fully-vaccinated for COVID-19. Masks are optional, but highly recommended. The service will also be live-streamed on Zoom […]

Shabbat Shuva Havdalah at Hapuna Beach Park

Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area Old Puako Road & Hapuna Beach Road, Waimea

A joint North Hawaii Chavurah and Kona Beth Shalom potluck and havdalah at Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area, North Pavilion, led by Rabbi Daniel Pressman and Rabbi Shari Berman. Please bring a dish to share. (no pork or shellfish - vegetarian preferred). Please park outside the gate as the parking lot closes at 6:45pm

Study & Discussion: A Sage is Preferred to a Prophet

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman leads a Talk Story discussion about what is a sage, what is a prophet and what are their traditional and historic roles in Jewish history. On Zoom and in-person at the home of Aviva & Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. Please RSVP to 808-756-0863 for address and directions. Click this link for Zoom […]

Study & Discussion: The Ethics of Leadership in Jewish Law and Tradition

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman leads a Talk Story discussion about The Ethics of Leadership in Jewish Law and Tradition. On Zoom and in-person at the home of Aviva & Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. Please RSVP to 808-756-0863 for address and directions. Click this link for Zoom connection info.

Erev Yom Kippur – Kol Nidre

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman and Rabbi/Cantor Shari Berman lead services at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona. It will also be live-streamed on Zoom and the KBS Facebook page. More details to come.

Yom Kippur Day

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman and Rabbi/Cantor Shari Berman lead services at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona. It will also be live-streamed on Zoom and the KBS Facebook page. After services, share a break-the-fast light potluck. More details to come.

Simchat Torah Celebration

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

All are welcome to our "hybrid" in-person and on-Zoom celebration as we complete the Torah cycle with the final lines of D'varim/Deuteronomy and start anew in the beginning with B'reisheet/Geneisis chapter one. Come to see the precious Torah scroll re-rolled from one end to the other, dance with Torah to music by members of Kona's […]

Event Series Shabbat Services

Shabbat Noach Service

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Our monthly Shabbat service is on the fifth Saturday this month. Please join in - in-person or on Zoom - for the service led by Aviva Plaut and featuring readings from this week's parashah, Noach - the story of Noah and the flood. Rabbi Shari Berman will give a d'rash via Zoom from her home […]