Torah Study: B’har/Bekhukotai on Zoom

Zoom teleconference HI, United States

Join in online to read and discuss the final two parashot of Vayikra/Leviticus. No prior knowledge is necessary and a wide range of views is welcome. Click this link for details, including Zoom connection info.

Shabbat Service – Shavuot

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

KBS president Dr. Barry Blum leads the Shabbat service with R. Shari Berman joining in to share insights into the Shavuot holiday and its relevance today. We ask all who attend in-person be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Afterward, stay for Kiddush & Kibbitz potluck featuring homemade blintzes in honor of Shavuot. If you can, please […]

Shabbat Korach Service

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Trina Yerlick leads the service at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden with Torah readings by R. Shari Berman and Vic Greenspan. After the service, a potluck Kiddush (no pork or shellfish). The service will also be live-streamed via Zoom. Click this link for info, including Zoom connection details.

Shabbat Service – Liana Doppmann Bat Mitzvah

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Join with KBS members, friends and guests for a Shabbat service and simcha: the Bat Mitzvah of Liana Doppmann, who will read from parashah D'varim - the first chapter in the final book of the Torah. The service will be led by Cantor Jaime Shpall, visiting from Congregation Beth Am in Los Altos Hills, California. […]

Shabbat Service in Person and on Zoom

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

The Shabbat service for August will be led by Aviva Plaut and feature readings from Parashah Ki Teitzei, which includes a variety of laws for the home and workplace that the Israelites must obey in the Promised Land. After services, stay for Kiddush and a potluck lunch. If you are unable to attend in person, […]

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

The High Holidays begin with Rosh Hashanah evening.  Cantor Jack Chomsky and Rabbi Shari Berman lead services, followed by Kiddush with apples & honey. The service will also be live-streamed on Zoom and the KBS Facebook page. To join KBS, or renew your membership, or reserve High Holiday seats please click this link ... […]

Rosh Hashanah – First Day

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Cantor Jack Chomsky and Rabbi Shari Berman lead services. Afterward, stay for Kiddush and a light potluck lunch.  To join KBS, or to renew your membership, or to reserve High Holiday seats please click this link ... Seats are included with active memberships. The service will also be live-streamed on Zoom and the KBS […]

Tashlich & Havdalah

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority 73-987 Makako Bay Drive, Kailua Kona, HI, United States

Tashlich and Havdalah on the beach at NELHA (Natural Energy Lab).  Light potluck.  Bring chairs.

Discussions with Cantor Chomsky: “Democracy in Israel”

Plaut home Kealakekua, HI, United States

This is one of a series of two discussions (and potluck dinner) with Cantor Chomsky at the home of Aviva & Yehuda Plaut.  Call 808 322-9860 to RSVP and directions.

Discussions with Cantor Chomsky: “Pray and Mean It!”

Plaut home Kealakekua, HI, United States

This is the second of a series of two discussions (and potluck dinner) with Cantor Chomsky at the home of Aviva & Yehuda Plaut. Call 808 322-9860 to RSVP and directions.

Shabbat Shuvah

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Shabbat Shuvah at Hawaiian Queen Garden and on Zoom,  followed by Kiddush and light pot luck lunch.

Kol Nidre Service

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Kol Nidre begins our observance of Yom Kippur.  Join Cantor Jack Chomsky and Rabbi Shari Berman as they lead us into the Yom Kippur holiday. The service will also be live-streamed on Zoom and the KBS Facebook page. To join KBS, or to renew your membership, or to reserve High Holiday seats please click this […]

Yom Kippur

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Join Cantor Jack Chomsky and Rabbi Shari Berman for our all day observance on Yom Kippur.  Our day will consist of the following observances:  Shacharit 10am-1pm; Discussion of Jonah 2-3pm; Minchah 3:30pm; Yizkor 4pm; Neilah 5:50pm; and Havdalah, followed by break-the-fast bagels and potluck, Sunset at 6:17pm. To join KBS, or to renew your membership, […]

KBS Annual Meeting on Zoom

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

All members are urged to attend the Annual Meeting that will include election of members and officers to the Board of Trustees, budget plans for the coming year and other important congregation activities. The annual meeting will be followed by the October Board Meeting for the newly elected officers and board members.

Simchat Torah Gathering for Peace & Unity

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

The surprise attack by Hamas against Israel on the eve of Simchat Torah has escalated into a deadly shooting war. Hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians are dead, hundreds more wounded and, in an especially disturbing development, Hamas swept up dozens of IDF soldiers and Israeli citizens, abducting them to Gaza as hostages. As the nation […]

Shabbat Service – Evan Wedgwood Bar Mitzvah

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

KBS and parents Jill Raznov & Tom Wedgwood invite you to share the joy as Evan is called to the Torah for the first time as a Bar Mitzvah. Though we are shattered and heartbroken over the tragic events unfolding in Israel and Gaza, they make it all the more important for us to gather […]

Shabbat Service – Vayetzei

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Join us for the monthly Shabbat service, led by Trina Yerlick and including R. Shari Berman and Vic Greenspan reading from this week's Torah parashah: Veyetzei, which features Jacob's dream of a stairway to heaven and his marriages to matriarchs Leah and Rachel. If you are unable to attend in-person, the service will also be […]

Community Chanukah Celebration

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Bring the whole family for music, dancing, dreidels, candles AND latkes! The KBS Chanukah celebration features live music, lighting the menorahs and a potluck featuring homemade potato latkes. 

Torah Study – Miketz – on Zoom

Zoom teleconference HI, United States

Join in on Zoom to read and discuss this week's parashah: Miketz, continuing the story of Joseph, as he interprets Pharoah's dreams, changing his - and our - history. More info at this link.

Shabbat Service – Vayigash

Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden 75-1048 Henry St, Kailua-Kona, HI, United States

Rabbi Shari Joy Berman leads the December Shabbat service, which will include readings from this week's parashah: Vayigash – וַיִּגַּשׁ – (B'reisheet/Genesis 44:18-47:27), in which Joseph, now a powerful leader in Egypt, is reunited with the brothers who plotted his demise decades earlier. Following services, stay for a Kiddish & Kibbitz potluck. If you are […]