7 events found.
Week of Events
Community Chanukah Celebration
Community Chanukah Celebration
Celebrate Chanukah with music and dancing, candles and latkes, in-person at Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden in Kona. Portions of the event will also be live-streamed on Zoom and connection information will be sent to the congregation email list. More info on the poster below (click it to enlarge)
Shabbat Miketz Service
Shabbat Miketz Service
Please join in - in-person or on Zoom - for our monthly Shabbat service, led in December by Rabbi Shari Berman, who will give a d'rash on this week's parashah, Miketz, continuing the story of Joseph and how he interpreted Pharaoh's dreams. We ask all those who attend in person to be fully-vaccinated for COVID-19. […]