For decades, Congregation Kona Beth Shalom has hosted a community seder, welcoming residents and visitors to celebrate the holiday together. However, due to rising costs and limited facilities, it was decided we cannot continue the tradition at this time. It was not an easy decision.

To our members and the local Jewish community: if you and your family are gathering for seder and have room for guests, please let us know how many you can comfortably invite. We will create a list and put you in touch with those seeking a seder to attend. They may be visitors to our island during the holiday; they may be other kama`aina Jews looking to connect. Either way, it will be a mitzvah.
Email for more information or to offer places at your table.

To our visitors: we share your disappointment that KBS cannot offer a seder at this time and ask that you let us know if you’d like seats at homes in our ohana. However, if you and your family would prefer a community seder, there are some options: a newly-formed Reform congregation in Waimea (Kamuela), Beit Aloha Elohim, is holding a community seder on the first night and you can get more details by emailing Rebecca at; and the Orthodox Chabad Jewish Center of the Big Island is hosting seders on the first and second nights in Kona. 

We wish all a meaningful and joyous Pesach. Chag Sameach.