Chanukah 8th Night Celebration

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Aviva & Yehudah Plaut invite the KBS ohana to come together and celebrate the eighth night of Chanukah at their home in Kealakekua. Bring your own Menorah(s) and candles so we can light up the world as bright as possible …sing aloud with holiday favorites in Hebrew, Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) and probably a few other […]

Shabbaton with Rabbi/Cantor Jessica Kate Meyer: Kumsitz/Havdallah

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Shabbaton with Rabbi/Cantor Jessica Kate Meyer Kumsitz/Havdallah. What's a Kumsitz? It's the Yiddish word - קומזיץ - for a musical gathering, often at the end of Shabbat. Cantor Jessica Kate will lead us in song and lead the moving and joyful Havallah service.  RSVP required (see below) Address will be sent by email one week […]


Study & Discussion: The Ethics of Leadership in Jewish Law and Tradition

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman leads a Talk Story discussion about The Ethics of Leadership in Jewish Law and Tradition. On Zoom and in-person at the home of Aviva & Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. Please RSVP to 808-756-0863 for address and directions. Click this link for Zoom connection info.

Study & Discussion: A Sage is Preferred to a Prophet

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman leads a Talk Story discussion about what is a sage, what is a prophet and what are their traditional and historic roles in Jewish history. On Zoom and in-person at the home of Aviva & Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. Please RSVP to 808-756-0863 for address and directions. Click this link for Zoom […]

Study & Discussion: Murphy’s Law and Jewish Law

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Pressman leads a Talk Story discussion about traditional Jewish laws, commandments, rules and guidelines for everything that can go wrong …and often does. On Zoom and in-person at the home of Aviva & Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. Please RSVP to 808-756-0863 for address and directions. Click this link for Zoom connection info.

Tu BʻShevat tree planting and potluck seder

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Former KBS president Shari Berman leads an observance of Tu BʻShevat, the "Birthday of the Trees," including a potluck fruit and veggie Seder. Some of Shariʻs university students from Hirosaki, Japan will also take part.

Shavuot with Rabbi Daniel Lev

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Observe Shavuot with Rabbi Daniel Lev at the home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. A service and freewheeling study session begins at 10AM. At noontime join in a veggie potluck lunch (if you can, please bring a vegetarian dish to share - but no meat or fish …especially no pork or shellfish). After […]

Shavuot Services & Study

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Lev wraps up his visit from Oahu with a Shavuot service  & study sessions at the home of Aviva and Yehuda Plaut in Kealakekua. 10AM-10:30AM – Mini-Singing-Service for Shavuot 10:30AM-12-Noon – First Study Session 12-Noon – 1:00PM – Veggie Potluck Lunch 1:00PM - 2:30PM – Second Study Session Study will start with the […]

Torah Study in Kealakekua

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

The second Saturday Torah study resumes this month at the home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua with reading and discussion of  Chaye Sarah (Genesis 23:1 - 25:18), concluding the stories of Abraham and Sarah. The parashah begins with Sarah's death and burial in the Cave of Machpelah, includes the successful search for a […]

Shabbat Shuvah

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Lev conducts Shabbat Shuvah service in preparation for Yom Kippur. Following services, a potluck oneg (NO pork or shellfish, please). Services will be held at the home of Aviva & Yehuda Plaut in Kealakekua.

Second Saturday Torah Study

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

The Second Saturday Torah Study this month is at the home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. The parashah is Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25) in which Moses continues his farewell address to the Israelites as they prepare to enter the "promised land–a land that can flow with milk and honey." He recounts events of the 40 […]

Second Saturday Torah Study

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

The Second Saturday Torah Study this month is at the home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut in Kealakekua. The parashah is Beha'alocha (Numbers 8:1-9:14) which introduces a revered symbol of Judaism, the seven-branched menorah. Also, Moses gives Aaron instructions to prepare the Levites for their role in the tabernacle; and the observance of Passover is set. Study begins at 10:30AM, ends around […]

Second Saturday Torah Study

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

The Second Saturday Torah Study will be in Kealakekua at the home of Aviva and Yehuda Plaut. The Parsha is Vayetzei (Genesis 28:10-32:3). The study is group-led and no knowledge of Hebrew or previous study is necessary. For complete details click here.

Shabbat Shuvah October 8 in Kealakekua

Home of Aviva and Yehudah Plaut 81-6640 Aolani Pl, Kealakekua, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Lev conducts Shabbat Shuvah service in preparation for Yom Kippur. The parashah is Vayeilech (Deuteronomy 31:1-30) in which Moses concludes his farewell address. Following services, a potluck oneg (NO pork or shellfish, please). Due to road closing for Ironman, services will be held at the home of Aviva & Yehuda Plaut in Kealakekua.