
The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

KBS serves the community with Shabbat Services on the fourth Saturday morning of each month beginning at 10:30 am, followed by kiddush and a potluck oneg. No pork or shellfish, please. Members and guests of the Congregation conduct the services, and visitors are always welcome.

Moving Prep

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

We need people to come help with our move next door -- remove wall hangings, pack up books and other items, etc.  Please join us at 10:30 in our current location, dressed for work!

Yom Kippur Ne’ilah & Havdalah

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Ne'ilah will begin at 5PM.  Bagels, lox, and break-the-fast potluck dinner after Havdalah (NO pork or shellfish, please). Please use our Membership Application to sign up for High Holiday tickets.

Yom Kippur Yizkor

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

The solemn memorial service begins at 4PM. Please use our Membership Application to sign up for High Holiday tickets.

Yom Kippur Morning Services

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Lev leads a daylong observance of Yom Kippur. Congregants and guests are invited to remain in the sanctuary in between services. Lively discussion may ensue. Please use our Membership Application to sign up for High Holiday tickets.

Yom Kippur Kol Nidre

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Lev leads Kol Nidre services beginning at 6PM in our home at the Shops at Mauna Lani. Please use our Membership Application to sign up for High Holiday tickets.

Rosh Hashanah Morning Service

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Services led by Rabbi Daniel Lev and kiddush will be held at the Mauna Lani Shops, #109. A potluck lunch will be enjoyed by congregants and guests at the home of Mike and Ruth Bernstone in Waikoloa Village. A map will be provided at services. Please use our Membership Application to sign up for High […]

Rosh Hashanah Evening Service

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Rabbi Daniel Lev leads services to begin the High Holidays. Kiddush with apples and honey will follow. Please use our online Membership Application to sign up for High Holiday tickets, or if you prefer the paper form click here.

Shari Berman to Lead Shabbat Service

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Kona Beth Shalom past president Shari Berman returns September 24th to lead Shabbat Services  beginning 10:30 am at our home in the Shops At Mauna Lani (2nd floor, next to Monstera Restaurant). The parsha for this week is Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8) in which Moses tells the people of Israel what will be expected of […]

KBS Annual Membership Meeting & Board Meeting

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

KBS will hold it's annual membership meeting at our home in the Shops At Mauna Lani (upstairs, next to Monstera restaurant). The meeting will be from 10:30AM - 11:30AM.  We will then break for a potluck lunch for all (NO pork or shellfish, please).  The Board meeting will begin at 12:00PM. All members, as well […]

Shabbat Services

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Shabbat services this month will be family-oriented, led by KBS interim president Vivienne Aronowitz with musical accompaniment from Rabbi Natan Segal. Aviva Plaut and Vic Greenspan read from the Torah. The parashah is Eikev (Deuteronomy 10:12-11:25) in which Moses assures the Israelites that if they faithfully observe the commandments they will deserve the Promised Land […]

KBS Board Meeting

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

The next meeting of the board will take place on  August 7th at 10:30AM at the shops at Mauna Lani. Meetings are open to all members of KBS.


The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

Congregation Kona Beth Shalom monthly Shabbat Services are this Saturday, July 23, 10:30 AM at the Shops at Mauna Lani, upstairs next to the Monstera Restaurant. Trina Yerlick will lead services. Aviva Plaut and Vic Greenspan will read from the Torah. The parashah this week is Balak (Numbers 23:27 - 24:13) in which the King […]


The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

KBS serves the community with Shabbat Services on the fourth Saturday morning of each month beginning at 10:30 am, followed by kiddush and a potluck oneg. No pork or shellfish, please. Members and guests of the Congregation conduct the services, and visitors are always welcome.


The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

This Saturday, Erev Shavout,  Rabbi Daniel Lev will be leading Shabbat services, followed by kiddush and a potluck oneg, and then Torah study from 1:30 to 3PM. Visitors are always welcome.


The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

KBS serves the community with Shabbat Services on the fourth Saturday morning of each month beginning at 10:30 am, followed by kiddush and a potluck oneg. No pork or shellfish, please. Members and guests of the Congregation conduct the services, and visitors are always welcome.


The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

KBS serves the community with Shabbat Services on the fourth Saturday morning of each month beginning at 10:30 am, followed by kiddush and a potluck oneg. No pork or shellfish, please. Members and guests of the Congregation conduct the services, and visitors are always welcome. NOTE: Services moved to April 30 for Passover and Yizkor.


The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

KBS serves the community with Shabbat Services on the fourth Saturday morning of each month beginning at 10:30 am, followed by kiddush and a potluck oneg. No pork or shellfish, please. Members and guests of the Congregation conduct the services, and visitors are always welcome.

KBS Board Meeting

The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

The March meeting of the board will take place at KBS Mauna Lani on March 13th at 10:30 AM.  Meetings are open to all members of KBS.


The Shops at Mauna Lani, Suite 109 68-1330 Mauna Lani Drive, Kamuela, HI, United States

KBS serves the community with Shabbat Services on the fourth Saturday morning of each month beginning at 10:30 am, followed by kiddush and a potluck oneg. No pork or shellfish, please.  This Saturday Rabbi Daniel Lev will be leading Shabbat services.  Visitors are always welcome.